Articles on: Integrations, Embedding, and Notifications

How do I customize my form's "reply-to" email?

With NoteForms, you can customize the reply-to field of the form submission email notification.

With this feature, you can ensure that notifications are sent to the right email address for seamless communication with your respondents.

Here's how it works:

1. Custom Reply-To Address

If you've specified a custom reply-to email address in your notification settings, the notification emails will use this address as the reply-to. This means that when you receive a form submission notification and choose to reply, your response will be directed to the specified email address.

2. Direct Reply to the Form Submitter

When your form contains one and only one email field, and this field is filled out by the respondent, the reply-to address in the notification email will automatically be set to the email provided by the form submitter. This feature streamlines communication as it allows you to respond directly to the person who filled out your form without having to manually extract their email address from the submission.

3. Fallback to the Form Creator's Email

In cases where neither of the above conditions is met, the reply-to address will default to the email address of the person who created the form. This ensures that even if no custom or respondent-provided email is available, you can still maintain communication through the form creator's email address.

How to Set Up Reply-To Options

To configure the Reply-To options for your form submissions, follow these steps:

1. Access your NoteForms Dashboard

Log in to your NoteForms account and navigate to the dashboard where your forms are listed.

2. Choose a Form and choose the "Integrations tab"

Select the specific form for which you want to configure the reply-to options, and go to integrations

3. Configure Notification Settings

Click "Email Notifications" and you'll find an option to set a custom reply-to email address if desired. Enter the email address you want to use for reply-to in the designated field.

4. (Optional) Check Email Fields

Review your form to ensure it contains only one email field for respondents. If your form meets this criteria and respondents are required to fill it out, the reply-to will automatically be set to their provided email addresses.

5. Save Changes

With NoteForms' Reply-To option, you have the flexibility to manage your form submission notifications and streamline your communication with respondents. Whether you prefer to use a custom email address, the respondent's email, or the form creator's email, NoteForms ensures that your email notifications are tailored to your needs.

Updated on: 08/10/2024

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