Articles on: General Info

How to reset the connection with Notion?

Sometimes, the Notion API can be capricious, causing troubles. For instance sometimes, the database will not be found by our integration for some form submissions, even if you can see that the database is shared in Notion. When this happens, the best thing to do is to completely reset the connection between Notion and the NoteForms integration. Here's how to do that:

Open your workspace settings

Open the Connections tab

Disconnect all users from the integration. Note that our integration won't have access to your databases after this (no worries though, all form submissions happening between this step and the next one will be sent to you by email).

Finally, go to the workspace settings page of NoteForms, and re-connect your Notion workspace. Make sure to select and share ALL the databases that are used by your form.

That's it! This should resolved all your connections issue 🙌

Updated on: 06/10/2024

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