How to Send Emails from My Own Domain?
Want to send emails with a professional touch using Noteforms?
Here's how to customize your SMTP settings to send emails from your own domain:
1. Access Your Settings
2. Click on the Email Settings from the left side:
3. Configure Your Email Settings:
Host/Server: Enter the address of your SMTP server (e.g.,
Port: Enter the port number for your SMTP server (typically 587 for TLS or 465 for SSL).
Username: Enter your email address.
Password: Enter the password for your email account.
4. Save Your Changes.

Tips for Sending with Style:
Double-check your information: Make sure all the details are accurate to avoid delivery errors.
Enable less secure apps (if using Gmail): You might need to enable "Less secure app access" in your Google account settings.
Consider dedicated services: For more advanced features and reliable delivery, explore email services like SendGrid or Mailgun.
Test your setup: Send a test email to yourself to confirm the sender address is correct and the email arrives successfully.
By following these steps, you can personalize your email sender address and elevate the professionalism of your Noteforms submissions, boosting your brand image.
Updated on: 08/11/2024
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