Read our support articles in another language
Currently, we only have English help guides. You can auto-translate our help guides using Google Translate.
We apologize for this inconvenience.
To translate our Help Center please do the following:
Head over to and click on the "Websites" tab.
Put this link in the input field and click the blue arrow.
The translated version of your site will open in a new window.
While it won't be a perfect translation, we truly hope it helps.
We apologize for this inconvenience.
To translate our Help Center please do the following:
Head over to and click on the "Websites" tab.
Put this link in the input field and click the blue arrow.
The translated version of your site will open in a new window.
While it won't be a perfect translation, we truly hope it helps.
Updated on: 15/01/2024
Thank you!